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Birth Chart Reading

Finding a Deeper Meaning Through the Archetypes and Neo-Vedic Astrology
Hello, I'm Hogarth and I'm an Archetypal Consultant, Author, and a Qualified Neo-Vedic Astrologer. I've been studying Astrology since I was eight years old. In case archetypal consultancy and Neo-Vedic astrology are new terms for you allow me to explain.
What is Neo-Vedic Astrology?
Vedic Astrology is an ancient science practiced in Inda for at least the last 5,000 years of its documented history, but some scholars say that Vedic Astrology is at least 10,000 years old if you include the oral history that was passed down from Rishi (a Yogi Astrologer) to Rishi for hundreds of years. In the tradition of Vedic Astrology, only the planets (Grahas) visible to the naked eye were counted. The Sun (a star), the Moon (a satellite), Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. They also include the essential, nodes of the Moon Rahu (the North node) and Ketu (the South node). These 9 factors are already comprehensive, but I also include the outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto along with Ceres and Chiron because they are too important to leave out. Looking at these 14 factors rather than 9 has produced life-changing results for my clients, to which they attest.
In continued work with my clients, I have developed a technique that I refer to as 'Four-Dimensional-Astrology'. Planets are 'people'. Each planet symbolically represents significant people, situations, talents, and karmas in our lives. When I read my client's charts I not only can read their life but the lives of their loved ones, or any significant person in their life be they past, present, or future. When I analyze the Sun in a person's chart it is not only their sense of purpose, direction, health, super-ego, and vitality: the Sun represents the physical body of the client's father. In so doing I've been able to accurately describe the life of my client's fathers even if they were separated, exiled, estranged, or even passed. The same is true of the Moon, which represents our mind, childhood, and emotions, but is also the embodiment of the Mother - the Moon's condition in Vedic Astrology is critical in a person's chart and is of immense importance for setting up the whole life of a person.
The planet Mars is siblings (but males brothers in particular), Venus represents our relationships, wives, and daughters, and Jupiter represents 'the husband' in a woman's chart, and so on with the meanings of all of the planets I include in my professional practice.
Also in my practice, I combine the power of Sidereal Vedic Astrology and the Archetypes identified by Carl Jung, and others, to unlock the power and messages of the collective unconscious to which we're all connected and belong. As part of my work, my clients can have individual consultations using either Astrology or the Archetypes or have both readings combined into one. This is unique in contemporary self-development practice.
What is The Archetypal Blueprint process?
I ask clients to pre-select a combination of 12 archetypes, (four are fixed and universal to all) eight archetypes are your personal selection.
I use the Caroline Myss Archetypes deck for my consultations. Please click on the link below to see detailed descriptions of the archetypes.
Once the client has chosen the cards that best fit them, these selections combine to give my clients an archetypal, psychological, and symbolic overview of their whole lives. I then combine those archetypes with the 12-house system used in astrology to identify which areas of life those archetypes are expressing themselves and offer them guidance on what their own personal archetypes are saying to them.
This is the essence of The Archetypal Blueprint.
This is a very powerful technique that has led to extraordinary breakthroughs for all of those who have sought consultations with me. For yet more in-depth information for my clients, I offer the added service of combining their Archetypal Blueprint with their Neo-Vedic Astrological birth Chart, combining the best of Eastern and Western astrology, to give truly astounding insights for my clients.
Click on the Bookings section on my website to book a consultation.